Madison House's EDM310 Blog
Saturday, July 18, 2015
Wednesday, July 15, 2015
Final Part of Blog Assignment #5
I have used my PLN alot throughout EDM 310. I made it my homescreen for Firefox. I made links to my gmail, blogger, youtube, and the class blog. It is so much easier to use the PLN instead of typing in the different addresses for each website. I am glad I was taught about PLN because this will really be helpful through out my teaching career.
C4Ta #4
Summary of Post #1: Post #1 was about what are the best ways a teacher can demonstrate leadership in the classroom. She showed in the beginning how she received her information. She then broke down leadership into four components. The four components are model, experience, share, and trust. She went into detail on each component of how it is important in leadership.
My Comment to Post #1:I am a student EDM 310. I love the 4 components you broke leadership down into. This will be very helpful in my classroom.I love the strategies you used to make the leadership role important. I agree with you completely 100%. I am so glad I was able to read your post and cannot wait to read more.
Summary of Post #2: Post #2 was about Reflection on Anne Frank. This was a very interesting blog. She went and got to see Anne Frank's house and made connections of how a teachers would enjoy the visit. She talks about the different things the museum let you walk through and what all is in the museum. She then goes into details about the ideas and questions that she had while walking through the museum. To finish the blog post, she gives important factors of writing.
Comment on Post #2:I am a student of EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I enjoyed reading this post. I have always enjoyed reading and learning about Anne Frank. I cannot imagine being able to go visit her house. I am glad you shared this post, and I was able to read it.
My Comment to Post #1:I am a student EDM 310. I love the 4 components you broke leadership down into. This will be very helpful in my classroom.I love the strategies you used to make the leadership role important. I agree with you completely 100%. I am so glad I was able to read your post and cannot wait to read more.
Summary of Post #2: Post #2 was about Reflection on Anne Frank. This was a very interesting blog. She went and got to see Anne Frank's house and made connections of how a teachers would enjoy the visit. She talks about the different things the museum let you walk through and what all is in the museum. She then goes into details about the ideas and questions that she had while walking through the museum. To finish the blog post, she gives important factors of writing.
Comment on Post #2:I am a student of EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. I enjoyed reading this post. I have always enjoyed reading and learning about Anne Frank. I cannot imagine being able to go visit her house. I am glad you shared this post, and I was able to read it.
Blog Assignment #14
In the article Teaching Our Children Can Be A Profession by Joel Klein, Joel list multiple factors that need to be changed about the profession. Here are a list of the ones he addresses:
1. Pick From The Best A solution he came up with for this is: first, better academic training for prospective teachers; second, new approach to recruiting teachers; third, make changes on how to reward teachers.
2. Seniority Distraction He solution to this factor is that multiple changes need to be made. One being that if a layoff should occur, the least effective teacher needs to be laid off instead of the most recently hired teacher. He would also recommend the evaluation of the performance of the prospective teachers.
3. Radical Change He solution to this is simple. He believes that the teachers should police their own profession.
I agree with pick from the best solution Joel has come up with. This solution shows no favoritism and is helpful for every new teacher coming into the field. I, myself, will be a new teacher coming into the field. I would hate to not be able to get a job I want because they are looking for experienced teachers.
I also agree with the seniority distraction solution. This solution would keep old teachers from getting lazy later in the years. I would not want to loose a job when I know a fellow teacher is ready to retire and not really teaching according to the plan that is in play.
I somewhat agree with the radical change solution. I think teachers should have some say so in how they teach each lesson, but I do think that we need some kind of guidance from the principal. I think if each teacher policed their own profession, there would not be unison in the school systems.
I really enjoyed reading this post. This article made me have a completely different outlook on the profession I have chosen to receive my degree in.
1. Pick From The Best A solution he came up with for this is: first, better academic training for prospective teachers; second, new approach to recruiting teachers; third, make changes on how to reward teachers.
2. Seniority Distraction He solution to this factor is that multiple changes need to be made. One being that if a layoff should occur, the least effective teacher needs to be laid off instead of the most recently hired teacher. He would also recommend the evaluation of the performance of the prospective teachers.
3. Radical Change He solution to this is simple. He believes that the teachers should police their own profession.
I agree with pick from the best solution Joel has come up with. This solution shows no favoritism and is helpful for every new teacher coming into the field. I, myself, will be a new teacher coming into the field. I would hate to not be able to get a job I want because they are looking for experienced teachers.
I also agree with the seniority distraction solution. This solution would keep old teachers from getting lazy later in the years. I would not want to loose a job when I know a fellow teacher is ready to retire and not really teaching according to the plan that is in play.
I somewhat agree with the radical change solution. I think teachers should have some say so in how they teach each lesson, but I do think that we need some kind of guidance from the principal. I think if each teacher policed their own profession, there would not be unison in the school systems.
I really enjoyed reading this post. This article made me have a completely different outlook on the profession I have chosen to receive my degree in.
Friday, July 10, 2015
Blog Assignment #13
Blog Post 13
For blog post 13, watch the following videos about social skills.
a.Social Skills Training: Resolving Disagreements (2:17)
b.Developing Social Manners/Educational Training Video (10:16)
Now answer the question: What did you learn about social skills by watching these two videos?
After watching the two following videos, I learned that in order to resolve disagreements everyone needs to use the best social skills the can use in order for everyone to understand each other. I also learned that you have to use social courtesy in order for people to be friendly to you. No one will be friendly to a unsocial person. Always think of how you would like for people to use their social skills in order for them to communicate with you.
Wednesday, July 8, 2015
Sunday, July 5, 2015
C4Ta #3
Summary of post #1: Karl Fisch's blog post was about the way teachers do not think deeply about the time they have with children. Through this blog post he writes to the administrator to bring to her knowledge that teachers should think more deeply about the time they spend with students.
My comment post #1: I agree with everything that was said in this blog post. I am so glad I was able to read it and thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks so much for a great post.
Summary of post #2: The second blog post I read was very similar to the first one. The only thing that was different was the fact that it was not about the time they spend with students, but the classes they actually teach.
My Comment post #2: I am glad I was able to read this post. This really opened my eyes on how we do not think deeply enough about the classes we teach. I previously read your post about time. They both are great articles. Thanks for the post.
My comment post #1: I agree with everything that was said in this blog post. I am so glad I was able to read it and thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks so much for a great post.
Summary of post #2: The second blog post I read was very similar to the first one. The only thing that was different was the fact that it was not about the time they spend with students, but the classes they actually teach.
My Comment post #2: I am glad I was able to read this post. This really opened my eyes on how we do not think deeply enough about the classes we teach. I previously read your post about time. They both are great articles. Thanks for the post.
Blog Assignment #11
Back to the Future by Brian Crosby was a great video to watch and to teach other teachers how technology can be used now in the classrooms. I learned from this teacher that technology is okay to incorporate into the classroom. I also learned that you can teach other classrooms the same experiments you did through the internet. Mr. Cosby taught a classroom of kids how to do the coke can crush experiment through the internet. Children also enjoy learning more when you incorporate technology into your lessons.
Blended Life Cycle by Paul Anderson. This article is a great resource to teach instructors how to teach using the blended life cycle. Before this video, I had never heard of the Blended Life Cycle. I really enjoyed learning about the cycle though. He uses the acronym quivers to make sure he touches all parts he needs to.
Making Thinking Visible by Ron Ritchhart. He teaches instructors how to make their students better thinkers. His main point to making students better thinkers is to make sure they see a different perspective on all the different ways of the world.
Teaching Digital Citizenship by Sam Pane. Through this video teachers can learn how to teach children to be safe on the internet. I love how he made his lesson so interactive with the students. They seemed like they were excited because it was so interactive.
Project Based Learning teaches us how to use project based learning throughout our lessons. This video also gives examples of students learning through project based learning, and it seems like they learn a lot clearer than when they don't use project based learning.
Roosevelt Elementary's PBL program is a cute video students put together to show how they used project based learning. You can tell throughout the video all the students were super excited to share. I love seeing students excited to learn.
Wednesday, July 1, 2015
Special Blog Assignment
iPad Learning Studio
iPad Learning Studio was a great resource to show what all the iPad can do. This resource went into detail about exactly what the iPad can do in each subject. There was not a subject that this Google Slide presentation did not cover. I definitely hope I get a classroom with iPads, and if not then I am going to push to have them in my classroom. IPads could help kids tremendously because all kids play with them why not let them learn while doing so.
Visual Thesaurus
The Visual Thesaurus resource would really help the children in the subject of language arts. This resource could also help them with their writings. They could type which word they were trying to type and see if there is a synonym for the word. This could also be on the iPads if I have them in my classroom.
Google Earth
Google Earth will help in the History section. I am interested in Google Earth because it is interesting to see where everything is located on the earth. Students would have this on their iPads as well and be able to see where each country is located. This would help with the test of the world that come in History subject.
Common Core and Teacher Preparedness
The Common Core and Teacher Preparedness resource really blew me away. I am always wanting to read about different concerns about the common core, so reading this was perfect for me. I already subscribed the newsletter because this will be very helpful in my classroom. This is will able to tell me if I am prepared for my lesson or not.
WolframAlpha resource interested me because it will help in the Math subject, and I love Math. I will download this app to the children's iPad as well in order for them to be able to use this when learning scientific notation or even just to add numbers together.
Storybird resource interest me because I love to read children's writings. I think this resource would be helpful in the classroom because the kids could use their iPads to create stories, read them back to the other class, and eventually going through publishing.
iPad Learning Studio was a great resource to show what all the iPad can do. This resource went into detail about exactly what the iPad can do in each subject. There was not a subject that this Google Slide presentation did not cover. I definitely hope I get a classroom with iPads, and if not then I am going to push to have them in my classroom. IPads could help kids tremendously because all kids play with them why not let them learn while doing so.
Visual Thesaurus
The Visual Thesaurus resource would really help the children in the subject of language arts. This resource could also help them with their writings. They could type which word they were trying to type and see if there is a synonym for the word. This could also be on the iPads if I have them in my classroom.
Google Earth
Google Earth will help in the History section. I am interested in Google Earth because it is interesting to see where everything is located on the earth. Students would have this on their iPads as well and be able to see where each country is located. This would help with the test of the world that come in History subject.
Common Core and Teacher Preparedness
The Common Core and Teacher Preparedness resource really blew me away. I am always wanting to read about different concerns about the common core, so reading this was perfect for me. I already subscribed the newsletter because this will be very helpful in my classroom. This is will able to tell me if I am prepared for my lesson or not.
WolframAlpha resource interested me because it will help in the Math subject, and I love Math. I will download this app to the children's iPad as well in order for them to be able to use this when learning scientific notation or even just to add numbers together.
Storybird resource interest me because I love to read children's writings. I think this resource would be helpful in the classroom because the kids could use their iPads to create stories, read them back to the other class, and eventually going through publishing.
Blog Assignment #10
In Cassidy 13 Part 1, Ms. Cassidy talked about how her children use blogs, videos, and wikis throughout the school year. About 5 years ago from when this Skype video was taken, Ms. Cassidy was giving 5 computers for her classroom. At that time, she did not have technology incorporated into the her classroom. She said she quickly realized that incorporating the computers she was given would be helpful. She begin by making a center with the computers, and the kids were able to post on their blogs while they were in the center. Towards the end of the video she talks about how she became more interested in technology through her online network, her Twitter account, and nings.
In Cassidy 13 Part 2, Dr. Strange ask Ms. Cassidy where she would recommended new teachers like myself to begin. I really liked her answer because she said just start on what you are interested in. That was really encouraging for me. For the rest of this video, she talks about the importance of a PLN. I have started a PLN in EDM 310, but I have not used it on a regular basis. I will use this technique for when I become a teacher because I need to be able to have all the sites I visit regularly right on one page.
In Cassidy 13 Part 3, Dr. Strange's students get to ask Ms. Cassidy questions they would like to know the answer to. Most of the questions were about blogging. I will most definitely use a class blog in my classroom. My blog will be a way to communicate not only to my students but also to my parents. Using a class blog could bring a little bit of problem. The problems could be that kids will post off topic post. I will keep an eye on every blog post that a student post and make sure that it is appropriate and according to topic. A major benefit to using a class blog is that you will not have to waste paper by sending home a newsletter. All information will be communicated through the class blog.
In Cassidy 13 Part 2, Dr. Strange ask Ms. Cassidy where she would recommended new teachers like myself to begin. I really liked her answer because she said just start on what you are interested in. That was really encouraging for me. For the rest of this video, she talks about the importance of a PLN. I have started a PLN in EDM 310, but I have not used it on a regular basis. I will use this technique for when I become a teacher because I need to be able to have all the sites I visit regularly right on one page.
In Cassidy 13 Part 3, Dr. Strange's students get to ask Ms. Cassidy questions they would like to know the answer to. Most of the questions were about blogging. I will most definitely use a class blog in my classroom. My blog will be a way to communicate not only to my students but also to my parents. Using a class blog could bring a little bit of problem. The problems could be that kids will post off topic post. I will keep an eye on every blog post that a student post and make sure that it is appropriate and according to topic. A major benefit to using a class blog is that you will not have to waste paper by sending home a newsletter. All information will be communicated through the class blog.
Sunday, June 28, 2015
Blog Post #9
After reading Seven Essentials for Project-Based Learning, I learned that each project you give a student to do needs seven key factors in order to make it a great project based learning assignment. Those seven factors are: A need to know, A driving question, Student's voice and choice, 21st century skills, Inquiry and Innovation, Feedback and Revision, A publicly presented product.
Once I watched Project-Based Learning for Teachers, I realized how meaningful project based learning is. I learned that project based learning is mainly where you as the kids a question that needs to be thought of deep. If they have a deep question to ask, then they are more apt to answer that question and find more in the process of answering it.
I am really glad I chose to watch PBL-High School Math. This video is about showing how different teachers realize and overcome the complications of project based learning. This certain school was in year 3 of 5 in converting the school to straight project based. Many of the teachers at this school had been teaching the same curriculum for multiple years and did not want to change what they had done for so long. They finally decided to change and are so glad they did.
I watched the video where two students solved the problem of watery ketchup. They solved this problem by creating a new lid for the bottle. They were able to have a year long invention project. This is a really cool idea, and it makes it more interesting that they used a subject that they both like.
The last article I used was Project Based Learning in PE. I read this article, and it was about how you can incorporate project based learning even in to physical education. This is interesting about how someone thinks outside the box to come up with ideas in order to incorporate the project based learning in every subject.
Once I watched Project-Based Learning for Teachers, I realized how meaningful project based learning is. I learned that project based learning is mainly where you as the kids a question that needs to be thought of deep. If they have a deep question to ask, then they are more apt to answer that question and find more in the process of answering it.
I am really glad I chose to watch PBL-High School Math. This video is about showing how different teachers realize and overcome the complications of project based learning. This certain school was in year 3 of 5 in converting the school to straight project based. Many of the teachers at this school had been teaching the same curriculum for multiple years and did not want to change what they had done for so long. They finally decided to change and are so glad they did.
I watched the video where two students solved the problem of watery ketchup. They solved this problem by creating a new lid for the bottle. They were able to have a year long invention project. This is a really cool idea, and it makes it more interesting that they used a subject that they both like.
The last article I used was Project Based Learning in PE. I read this article, and it was about how you can incorporate project based learning even in to physical education. This is interesting about how someone thinks outside the box to come up with ideas in order to incorporate the project based learning in every subject.
Wednesday, June 24, 2015
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Blog Assignment #8
As I watched Randy Pausch's Last Lecture, I can answer the question "What can we learn about teaching and learning from Randy Pausch?" I believe one thing we can learn about learning is that you have permission to dream and dream big. He does not come out and say this is used for learning, but I could apply it to learning. Something I learned about teaching is sometimes you will hit brick walls. Even though they are hard to overcome, they teach to to work harder. Another thing I learned is that that you learn more by not accomplishing a dream then actually accomplishing it. Also a leader does not have to be the smartest guy in the group. Another key point I picked up on was wait long enough and people will surprise and impress you. Even though this was a very powerful video, I recorded what I learned about learning and teaching from the key notes I picked up.
C4T #2
Summary of Teacher's Blog #1:The summary of Angela Maiers latest blog is showing her resources for a presentation she did in Austin, TX.
Comment on Teacher's Blog #1:I am so glad I got to read your blog. I enjoyed every resource and presentation. I will be keeping these for future references once I become a teacher. Thanks so much. Great Job!
Summary of Teacher's Blog #2:Angela Maiers had not posted a blog post since the previous post, so I went and read the next blog down called #Genius Hour. This post was about how a teacher makes a genius hour for his kids which allows them an hour a day to research anything they don't know so on hour of creation day they can create a presentation teaching the other students about what they researched.
Comment on Teacher's Blog #2:This was a great read. When I become a teacher, I am going to use this same approach because I think it will gets students minds thinking deeper. I also love how you used the work fail for first attempt in learning. Thanks for the great read, and I look forward to reading more.
Comment on Teacher's Blog #1:I am so glad I got to read your blog. I enjoyed every resource and presentation. I will be keeping these for future references once I become a teacher. Thanks so much. Great Job!
Summary of Teacher's Blog #2:Angela Maiers had not posted a blog post since the previous post, so I went and read the next blog down called #Genius Hour. This post was about how a teacher makes a genius hour for his kids which allows them an hour a day to research anything they don't know so on hour of creation day they can create a presentation teaching the other students about what they researched.
Comment on Teacher's Blog #2:This was a great read. When I become a teacher, I am going to use this same approach because I think it will gets students minds thinking deeper. I also love how you used the work fail for first attempt in learning. Thanks for the great read, and I look forward to reading more.
Wednesday, June 17, 2015
Blog Assignment #7
In the video Using iMovie and the Alabama Virtual Library in Kindergarten, Dr. Strange is asking Michele Bennet and Elizabeth Davis questions about how they use iMovie and Alabama Virtual Library. Michele Bennet tells us how kindergarten students love to make iMovie trailers and are so eager to work in the program. She also tells us how they are constantly editing and get so upset when the teacher publishes the video because they were not done editing their video. Elizabeth Davis tells us about Alabama Virtual Library. It is a free website that allows you to research anything you would like to research. She also tells us how Mrs. Bennet's children research a list of animals every week. So kindergarten children are doing basic research on a daily basis!
In the movie We All Become Learners, Dr. Strange is have a conversation again with Elizabeth Davis and Michele Bennet. Michele Bennet tells us about how once everyone has a iPad, everyone becomes learners and teachers including the teachers becoming learners and students becoming teachers. She uses the example of when she was trying to teach the children to use Padlet. She did not know how to take a selfie, and one of the kindergarten students taught her how to take one. Dr. Strange explains how every time he has been to Gulf Shores Elementary, the students are so eager to show him their work and gets so upset if they cannot show him their work. This shows how excited the students are about their work. Mrs. Bennet goes on to tell us how the teachers are not so worried about learning the mechanics themselves anymore because they just say the students can teach them.
I chose the video Kirby "I Can" Statements because I want to become a kindergarten teacher and wanted to see what all students are learning in kindergarten. They showed me that they are learning to count to one hundred by 1 and 10s, read kindergarten books with purpose and understanding, count up from any number, identify the front and back cover and title page of a book, and identify the main topic and retell key details of a book. This video was so cute and encouraging for all other kindergarten students.
I also chose the video Career Day Taylor because this was another kindergarten class. They made a video about what they wanted to be when they grow up. They made an audio clip to go with their picture that explained what they were and why they wanted to be that. This was an interesting video to see what everyone wanted to be.
For my third video, I chose Sawyer's Story. Even though this is about a second grade boy, this video amazes me because he made a trailer about him in the second grade and how he enjoys being in class and learning with his friends. Mrs. Bennet told us that he went in the back of the library and did this video with a group of friends all by themselves.
For my last video, I chose CW PBL 1. This is a video about a 3rd grade teacher telling us about how teaching has changed now with all the technology. She tells us how Project Based Learning combines all core subjects. Children want to take their projects home and work on them there when they are not homework assignments. That shows just how excited the children are to learn and complete their projects.
With all the difference in technology, teaching is becoming different every year. I am all for children learning through technology. I believe this is a great aspect to bring into the school. Since I still have a year and a half left of school, I believe so much more will change by the time I receive a teaching job. I will start to research and learn more about project based learning because I need to know all I can to receive a job once I graduate. My strength in this aspect is that I am open to learning and researching more about this new way of teaching. On the other hand, I do have a weakness, and it is not wanting to change from how I was taught growing up. I always saw myself teaching students just like I was taught when I grew up, but I now know that I cannot teach like that once I receive a job. I need to start learning now how to teach with technology that is available to every student in every school. I am glad I was able to watch all of these videos and learn more about project based learning.
In the movie We All Become Learners, Dr. Strange is have a conversation again with Elizabeth Davis and Michele Bennet. Michele Bennet tells us about how once everyone has a iPad, everyone becomes learners and teachers including the teachers becoming learners and students becoming teachers. She uses the example of when she was trying to teach the children to use Padlet. She did not know how to take a selfie, and one of the kindergarten students taught her how to take one. Dr. Strange explains how every time he has been to Gulf Shores Elementary, the students are so eager to show him their work and gets so upset if they cannot show him their work. This shows how excited the students are about their work. Mrs. Bennet goes on to tell us how the teachers are not so worried about learning the mechanics themselves anymore because they just say the students can teach them.
I chose the video Kirby "I Can" Statements because I want to become a kindergarten teacher and wanted to see what all students are learning in kindergarten. They showed me that they are learning to count to one hundred by 1 and 10s, read kindergarten books with purpose and understanding, count up from any number, identify the front and back cover and title page of a book, and identify the main topic and retell key details of a book. This video was so cute and encouraging for all other kindergarten students.
I also chose the video Career Day Taylor because this was another kindergarten class. They made a video about what they wanted to be when they grow up. They made an audio clip to go with their picture that explained what they were and why they wanted to be that. This was an interesting video to see what everyone wanted to be.
For my third video, I chose Sawyer's Story. Even though this is about a second grade boy, this video amazes me because he made a trailer about him in the second grade and how he enjoys being in class and learning with his friends. Mrs. Bennet told us that he went in the back of the library and did this video with a group of friends all by themselves.
For my last video, I chose CW PBL 1. This is a video about a 3rd grade teacher telling us about how teaching has changed now with all the technology. She tells us how Project Based Learning combines all core subjects. Children want to take their projects home and work on them there when they are not homework assignments. That shows just how excited the children are to learn and complete their projects.
With all the difference in technology, teaching is becoming different every year. I am all for children learning through technology. I believe this is a great aspect to bring into the school. Since I still have a year and a half left of school, I believe so much more will change by the time I receive a teaching job. I will start to research and learn more about project based learning because I need to know all I can to receive a job once I graduate. My strength in this aspect is that I am open to learning and researching more about this new way of teaching. On the other hand, I do have a weakness, and it is not wanting to change from how I was taught growing up. I always saw myself teaching students just like I was taught when I grew up, but I now know that I cannot teach like that once I receive a job. I need to start learning now how to teach with technology that is available to every student in every school. I am glad I was able to watch all of these videos and learn more about project based learning.
Friday, June 12, 2015
Blog Assignment #6
In Project Based Learning with Anthony Capps Part 1 and Part 2, I learned that children get very excited to engage in project based learning. Children need to know about the content that is being taught in the project based learning. I also learned that not all projects go as well or as planned. Which in my opinion, I would take that experience as you learn by mistakes.
I had never heard of iCurio before I watched iCurio: Conversations with Anthony. What I learned about iCurio is that it is a place where children can search and only be searching websites that have the content that pertains to the project they are currently doing. This is a very helpful feature because this can help the kids have a little more leeway instead of the teacher always wondering what they are searching.
Discovery Ed is a short video explaining what Discovery Ed is. I learned that Discovery Ed is a website that gives a video to what ever kind of project based learning assignment they are learning about. I have always heard that if you give a child visual with text they will retain it more because of the visual, and Anthony stated the same thing. This is way Discovery Ed is good.
I really enjoyed Strange Tips for Teachers Part 1. I have never heard that teachers need to continue to learn until EDU 346, and ever since then I began to see why teachers need to continue to learn and that shows that teaching is not an easy profession. I have always known that teaching was a non stop job. Anthony just confirmed that. What is learned most from this video was that: Even though teaching is a hard and never ending job, it is so rewarding in the end.
Don't Teach It. Use it! taught me that children already know technology. There is no need to teach children technology because they already know how to use it probably better than you. Instead of teaching technology just use technology, and the students will enjoy class just as much.
Additional Thought about Lessons taught me that a lesson is at least four layers thick. One layer is are you gonna cover all of your curriculum for the year. Layer two is your unit including projects. Layer three is your week. Layer four is your daily lesson.
I really enjoyed all these lessons by Anthony Capps. He is a very knowledgeable man. I look forward to becoming a teacher and never stopping my learning process clearly like Anthony hasn't.
I had never heard of iCurio before I watched iCurio: Conversations with Anthony. What I learned about iCurio is that it is a place where children can search and only be searching websites that have the content that pertains to the project they are currently doing. This is a very helpful feature because this can help the kids have a little more leeway instead of the teacher always wondering what they are searching.
Discovery Ed is a short video explaining what Discovery Ed is. I learned that Discovery Ed is a website that gives a video to what ever kind of project based learning assignment they are learning about. I have always heard that if you give a child visual with text they will retain it more because of the visual, and Anthony stated the same thing. This is way Discovery Ed is good.
I really enjoyed Strange Tips for Teachers Part 1. I have never heard that teachers need to continue to learn until EDU 346, and ever since then I began to see why teachers need to continue to learn and that shows that teaching is not an easy profession. I have always known that teaching was a non stop job. Anthony just confirmed that. What is learned most from this video was that: Even though teaching is a hard and never ending job, it is so rewarding in the end.
Don't Teach It. Use it! taught me that children already know technology. There is no need to teach children technology because they already know how to use it probably better than you. Instead of teaching technology just use technology, and the students will enjoy class just as much.
Additional Thought about Lessons taught me that a lesson is at least four layers thick. One layer is are you gonna cover all of your curriculum for the year. Layer two is your unit including projects. Layer three is your week. Layer four is your daily lesson.
I really enjoyed all these lessons by Anthony Capps. He is a very knowledgeable man. I look forward to becoming a teacher and never stopping my learning process clearly like Anthony hasn't.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Blog Assignment #5
I created my PLN with Symbaloo. As soon as I created my account, I set Symbaloo as my safari homepage. I think this will be easier because my safari will open up to Symbaloo, and I can then just click whichever icon I would like to visit.
To start my Symbaloo creation, I will add Blogger, Gmail, and Twitter as an icon. I will also add my instructors such as John Strange and Paige Vitulli. I will also add my fellow classmates to get ideas from now and once we all become teachers ourselves. I will continue to explore on my PLN and learn more about each aspect of Symbaloo.
To start my Symbaloo creation, I will add Blogger, Gmail, and Twitter as an icon. I will also add my instructors such as John Strange and Paige Vitulli. I will also add my fellow classmates to get ideas from now and once we all become teachers ourselves. I will continue to explore on my PLN and learn more about each aspect of Symbaloo.
Friday, June 5, 2015
Project #4 C4Ta Assignment
Summary of Blog #1: William Chamberlain's Blog was a short and simple blog, but it really made you think about how many times we use others ideas for information. This article states that we are no longer innovators we are tweakers to others ideas.
Comment on Blog #1: I agree with you completely about this blog. I believe that we all want to just use others ideas in order to teach our students. To me that is not fair to our students. I believe as an educator we need to come up with new ideas and allow others to be the only one using their own ideas.
Summary on Blog #2: William Chamberlain Second Blog post on his page was about how pat on the backs are being looked at as a bad gesture. He included a video and a paragraph of information he thinks about it.
Comment on Blog #2:Wow! Great Read! I am so glad I was able to read this post. I was not able to watch the video because my computer did not support it, but I wish I could have watched it. This is so powerful. I agree that a pat on the back is necessary for great work. Thanks for a great post.
Project #15
I have always just used Google as a search engine. I am glad I had to do this project because now I will try to use all different search engines. According to, search engines are ranked in and order of use. The order is as followed:
1. Google
2. Bing
3. Yahoo
7. Wolfram Alpha < br/> 8. DuckDuckGo
9. Wayback Machine
Bing is a Microsoft's attempt at Google.( When I explored Bing, I found out that it is just like google except pulls up different websites. Yahoo is powered by Bing.( When I typed the same thing in bing and yahoo, I got the exact same results. is where users ask or answer certain questions. When I typed a question in, I got an answer instead of different websites. When I used, I figured out it still searches many of the most popular websites but is one of the older search engines. was originally created by ex-googlers.( They have now joined IBM Watson. It is a search engine just like google and yahoo but gives different information just like google and yahoo give you different information. Wolfram Alpha is known as the "computational knowledge engine." ( Wolfram Alpha will give you calculations instead of word answers like the rest. I used Wolfram Alpha to help me with long and difficult calculations. DuckDuckGo only searches certain websites. When I tried to type something in, only a few websites came up. Last search engine is When I tried to use ChaCha, I noticed there were a lot of pop-ups and side advertisement unlike google.
1. Google
2. Bing
3. Yahoo
7. Wolfram Alpha < br/> 8. DuckDuckGo
9. Wayback Machine
Bing is a Microsoft's attempt at Google.( When I explored Bing, I found out that it is just like google except pulls up different websites. Yahoo is powered by Bing.( When I typed the same thing in bing and yahoo, I got the exact same results. is where users ask or answer certain questions. When I typed a question in, I got an answer instead of different websites. When I used, I figured out it still searches many of the most popular websites but is one of the older search engines. was originally created by ex-googlers.( They have now joined IBM Watson. It is a search engine just like google and yahoo but gives different information just like google and yahoo give you different information. Wolfram Alpha is known as the "computational knowledge engine." ( Wolfram Alpha will give you calculations instead of word answers like the rest. I used Wolfram Alpha to help me with long and difficult calculations. DuckDuckGo only searches certain websites. When I tried to type something in, only a few websites came up. Last search engine is When I tried to use ChaCha, I noticed there were a lot of pop-ups and side advertisement unlike google.
Blog Assignment #4
In Asking Better Questions in the Classroom, Joanne Chesley pointed out a great point right in the beginning. That point is that we need to ask better questions in order to get better answers. We as teachers can not just ask a question that requires and yes or no answer and expect the students to elaborate. There are two different types of questions to ask: closed ended questions and open ended questions. Closed ended questions are those that a student can answer with a one word answer such as yes or no. An open ended question is one that leaves the answer to be said in whichever way the student would like to answer. With open ended questions, the student can elaborate more on an answer. If you as a teacher wants to ask more effective questions, try asking open ended questions.
The article Open Ended Questions is a short video that shows how you can change a closed ended question into an open ended question. Some open ended question starters you could use are: "For what reasons," "In what ways," "Describe or Explain in detail," etc. An example is "Why is water good for your body?" With that question, you will get a number of certain answers. To ask it for a open ended question you could say "For what reasons is water good for your body?"
Once I become a teacher, I will try to change each question I ask into an open ended question. I will do this so my students can elaborate more and have to think a little more about an answer instead of just shouting out yes or no.
The article Open Ended Questions is a short video that shows how you can change a closed ended question into an open ended question. Some open ended question starters you could use are: "For what reasons," "In what ways," "Describe or Explain in detail," etc. An example is "Why is water good for your body?" With that question, you will get a number of certain answers. To ask it for a open ended question you could say "For what reasons is water good for your body?"
Once I become a teacher, I will try to change each question I ask into an open ended question. I will do this so my students can elaborate more and have to think a little more about an answer instead of just shouting out yes or no.
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
Blog Assignment #3
Peer Editing can be fun, but only if you give a quality peer review. Number One rule in peer editing is STAY POSITIVE. I love this rule because I am a very positive person. Even though I know I have to critique my peers and other teachers, I try to critique them in a positive manner. To hear that staying positive is the number one rule was very important to me. There is a process you have to follow in order to give a quality peer review.
The first step to follow is to always begin your review with complimenting. Always try to compliment on their topic, sentence, humor, etc. The second step is to make suggestions. To make a suggestion means giving ideas about how to improve their writing. This is the hardest step for me because I always try to just do corrections instead of suggestions. Speaking of corrections, the third step is making corrections. You can make corrections on Punctuations, Grammar, Sentences, Spelling.
For a summary to a quality peer review, complete all steps. Always remember to stay positive and do not be a Meany Margaret or Picky Patrick. Also remember treat others how you would like to be treated.
The first step to follow is to always begin your review with complimenting. Always try to compliment on their topic, sentence, humor, etc. The second step is to make suggestions. To make a suggestion means giving ideas about how to improve their writing. This is the hardest step for me because I always try to just do corrections instead of suggestions. Speaking of corrections, the third step is making corrections. You can make corrections on Punctuations, Grammar, Sentences, Spelling.
For a summary to a quality peer review, complete all steps. Always remember to stay positive and do not be a Meany Margaret or Picky Patrick. Also remember treat others how you would like to be treated.

Sunday, May 31, 2015
Blog Assignment #2
In the video Mr. Dancealot, I feel that the purpose of this video was to show us an example of a bad teacher and teach us how not to teach. Every demonstration he did he hid behind the front desk, so the students could not see his feet. I was really confused about the conclusion because he did not ever mention a final, and then he made the students repeat everything he taught them. The instructions on the final were not specific either. This was a great video to show us how not to teach.
Teaching in the 21st century will be a little different. It will be different because of the fact that technology has changed so much over the years. Roberts believes teachers will have to dig deeper to come up with assignments.
He states:
If they use the assignments they use now, the students can just use the internet to find the answers and that is not digging for information. I agree with Roberts that teachers will have to use different assignments and become more knowledgeable. Roberts made an excellent statement in the video that stated, "Teachers are not the ones teaching anymore. It is the internet that is teaching." (Roberts, Teaching in the 21st Century) This argument will affect me as an educator because I will dig and become more knowledgeable, so I am the one still teaching my students.
In the video Networked Student, it shows how a student learns American Psychology through networking with other students. The author states that this students goes through a lot of networks and connects with different students to learn in his class. The author then asks the question "Why does this student even need a teacher?" His response was that she teaches him everything about networking. Networked Student reminds me a lot of EDM310 because we do a lot of work on our own, but we would not be able to do the work without Dr. Strange teaching us how.
Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts is about how a teacher named Vicki Davis wants to only use technology in her classroom for students learning purposes. Her thesis is that she believes that every student can learn by using technology unlike when students learn with paper and pencil not all students learn. I agree with Mrs. Davis's argument. I like the way she has her class set up with students teach some days instead of her. I also like the fact that she allows her students to teach her as much as she teaches them.
After watching Dr. Strange's video Who's Ahead in the Learning Race?, I learned that as an Undergraduate student I may not be more knowledgeable than an Elementary student. Dr. Strange asked the question "Who is Ahead in the Learning Race?" The answer to that question is Elementary children. I as an Undergraduate student do not know how to do most of the stuff Dr. Strange showed in the video. I do believe that kids are more eager to learn and catch onto technology learning easier than regular learning.
I had not heard of Flipping Your Classroom until I watch the video, so this concept is new to me. I think this concept is a great idea. I never had the opportunity to know what I was learning the next day in elementary school or high school. Now that I am in college, I have the opportunity to know ahead of time and learn more in depth on a topic. I do think this will benefit me as an educator because I will be able to help those who need review more than I would normally be able to help.
Teaching in the 21st century will be a little different. It will be different because of the fact that technology has changed so much over the years. Roberts believes teachers will have to dig deeper to come up with assignments.
He states:
- If teachers continue to (as Dr. Strange likes to call it) "burp" out information, there will not be too many teachers for long.
- Students can gather any type of information they want by searching the internet.
- Teachers are not really the teachers anymore.
If they use the assignments they use now, the students can just use the internet to find the answers and that is not digging for information. I agree with Roberts that teachers will have to use different assignments and become more knowledgeable. Roberts made an excellent statement in the video that stated, "Teachers are not the ones teaching anymore. It is the internet that is teaching." (Roberts, Teaching in the 21st Century) This argument will affect me as an educator because I will dig and become more knowledgeable, so I am the one still teaching my students.
In the video Networked Student, it shows how a student learns American Psychology through networking with other students. The author states that this students goes through a lot of networks and connects with different students to learn in his class. The author then asks the question "Why does this student even need a teacher?" His response was that she teaches him everything about networking. Networked Student reminds me a lot of EDM310 because we do a lot of work on our own, but we would not be able to do the work without Dr. Strange teaching us how.
Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts is about how a teacher named Vicki Davis wants to only use technology in her classroom for students learning purposes. Her thesis is that she believes that every student can learn by using technology unlike when students learn with paper and pencil not all students learn. I agree with Mrs. Davis's argument. I like the way she has her class set up with students teach some days instead of her. I also like the fact that she allows her students to teach her as much as she teaches them.
After watching Dr. Strange's video Who's Ahead in the Learning Race?, I learned that as an Undergraduate student I may not be more knowledgeable than an Elementary student. Dr. Strange asked the question "Who is Ahead in the Learning Race?" The answer to that question is Elementary children. I as an Undergraduate student do not know how to do most of the stuff Dr. Strange showed in the video. I do believe that kids are more eager to learn and catch onto technology learning easier than regular learning.
I had not heard of Flipping Your Classroom until I watch the video, so this concept is new to me. I think this concept is a great idea. I never had the opportunity to know what I was learning the next day in elementary school or high school. Now that I am in college, I have the opportunity to know ahead of time and learn more in depth on a topic. I do think this will benefit me as an educator because I will be able to help those who need review more than I would normally be able to help.
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Blog Assignment #1
I have heard many different statements about EDM310. Most of those statements were that the class was very time consuming. I found this frightening because I live at home where my mother has custody of my three year old nephew, and when he is in the house nothing can get done. After the first class meet, I went home to try to do work and realized the assignments are not very difficult or take up time. I was quite relived. Having time to do the assignments was one of my biggest fears, but I overcame that. The other fear I have is doing something wrong. I am a perfectionist, and I would be upset if I did something wrong. I do not think I will be able to overcome this fear because I always struggle with this fear even outside of this class. EDM 310 is must different than any other coarse I have taken in previous college semesters or high school. It is different because it has many more assignments than normal, and the class requires much more technology. I think the most difficult assignment in EDM310 for me will be making movies. I absolutely hate being videoed because of self esteem problems. I also hate listening to my own voice. I know I will have to overcome this problem, and one way to overcome that is by getting over what people think of me. I am steady in the process of overcoming this, and I have came a long way since I was little. I have no further questions about EDM310, and I look forward to moving forward in this class.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Practice Blog
General Information
1. Madison House
2. Hurley, MS
3. Kids, Scrapbooking, and Cheer
4. Close to home
5. Large Family
Why Education?
1. Ever since I was 6
2. Love for kids
3. Not only teaching schoolwork but also morals
4. Be able to used advanced technology
5. Best at Math
6. Improve in Reading
My name is Madison House. I was born and raised and still reside in Hurley Mississippi. I enjoy scrapbooking, babysitting, and cheerleading. I have always wanted to teach little girls cheer and scrapbook what I teach along the way. When I first graduated high school, I attended Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College as a starter college and received my Associate's Degree. I then decided on South Alabama because it is close to home for my Bachelor's Degree. I have a very big family. I am the baby of seven siblings. I also have three nieces and two nephews with one nephew on the way. I enjoy my family and will be becoming part of a new family in March 2016 when I marry my fiancé.
Everyone always ask why did you choose to be a teacher? I have a very simple answer for that, and it is that I have always wanted to be a teacher since I was six years old and the love I have for kids. I can remember when I was little, I would sit back in my room and play school for hours. I believe teachers from the 21st century need to not only teach schoolwork to children but also morals. I am a devout christian and believe that the way the world is going morals need to be taught not only by the parents but also by the teachers. I also think that 21st century teachers need to be able to use advanced technology because one day we will no longer use paper and pencil. Everyone will use computers and the internet. My passions are loving on and teaching children, and the passion I want to improve is counseling children.
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