Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Blog Assignment #14

In the article Teaching Our Children Can Be A Profession by Joel Klein, Joel list multiple factors that need to be changed about the profession. Here are a list of the ones he addresses:
1. Pick From The Best A solution he came up with for this is: first, better academic training for prospective teachers; second, new approach to recruiting teachers; third, make changes on how to reward teachers.
2. Seniority Distraction He solution to this factor is that multiple changes need to be made. One being that if a layoff should occur, the least effective teacher needs to be laid off instead of the most recently hired teacher. He would also recommend the evaluation of the performance of the prospective teachers.
3. Radical Change He solution to this is simple. He believes that the teachers should police their own profession.
I agree with pick from the best solution Joel has come up with. This solution shows no favoritism and is helpful for every new teacher coming into the field. I, myself, will be a new teacher coming into the field. I would hate to not be able to get a job I want because they are looking for experienced teachers.
I also agree with the seniority distraction solution. This solution would keep old teachers from getting lazy later in the years. I would not want to loose a job when I know a fellow teacher is ready to retire and not really teaching according to the plan that is in play.
I somewhat agree with the radical change solution. I think teachers should have some say so in how they teach each lesson, but I do think that we need some kind of guidance from the principal. I think if each teacher policed their own profession, there would not be unison in the school systems.
I really enjoyed reading this post. This article made me have a completely different outlook on the profession I have chosen to receive my degree in.

1 comment:

  1. hi @admin
    A solution he came up with for this is: first, better academic training for prospective teachers.
