Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Blog Assignment #5

I created my PLN with Symbaloo. As soon as I created my account, I set Symbaloo as my safari homepage. I think this will be easier because my safari will open up to Symbaloo, and I can then just click whichever icon I would like to visit.

To start my Symbaloo creation, I will add Blogger, Gmail, and Twitter as an icon. I will also add my instructors such as John Strange and Paige Vitulli. I will also add my fellow classmates to get ideas from now and once we all become teachers ourselves. I will continue to explore on my PLN and learn more about each aspect of Symbaloo.
a PLN with multiple icons


  1. "As soon as I created my account, I set Symbaloo as my safari homepage. I think this will be easier because my safari will open up to Symbaloo, and I can then just click whichever icon I would like to visit." This will be great. I think you will get a lot of use out of your PLN.

    Good job.

  2. I also like the idea of setting your PLN as your homepage! I had not though of that!

  3. I think adding teachers and peers to your PLN is a great idea. I think using Symbaloo will be useful as well.
